Errementari (2017)
6 July 2019
I admit that this was an original production but it felt like more like of tale you could hear from someone really old living in a remote village, than a movie.

It felt like a story within a story, narrated in such a way to remain concise, leaving the smooth transition. Of course, the movie was not entirely so mechanical, but I would have preferred if they had re-worked certain parts of the movie which felt overplayed, and then on filling the gaps in the plot.

Any specific example would be spoilers - and I don't want that.

Then the way the devil is portrayed in the movie, felt so ridiculous - albeit most probably true to folklore - that it didn't make me twinge the slightest: it really started feeling more comical than scary from that point onwards. I feel like this movie might appeal to a very specific type of crowd.

As I said, it was going on pretty well until the devil made its apparition - a devil who's basically more of a wimp than anything else. I also admit that the fact that I was expecting something more horrific from this devil, which obviously did not happen, had me bummed out, but all in all, I love the physical and time settings of the movie: it was eerie, dark, and the actors played it in a way that it felt like they were true to the people of that time.
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