Review of The Hunted

Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Hunted (1990)
Season 3, Episode 11
Story to Compare today's US Military
15 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After a long, drawn out affair to recapture an escaped 'highly trained & lethal' prisoner (Roga Danar) who escaped from the detention center of a planet applying 4 membership to the federation, he is beamed aboard the Enterprise after a 'cat & mouse' game of Danar trying 2 outrun capture in his escape vessel showing no life signs--making it nearly impossible to get him into detention...which is finally done after a long, protracted endeavor. Finally, near the end when Worf has him 1 on 1 w/ Worf's phaser trained on him, Roga catches him off guard during a power fluctuation which distracts Worf long enough for Roga to escape again. How many times do the 'Security Staff' have to know when NOT TO TALK & JUST STUN the prisoner w/ a higher stun setting to knock him out after earlier attempts failed at regular settings. That frustrates me to no end that a 'lack of common sense' seems to prevail at ALL THE WRONG TIMES!! Almost a comical ending after all Enterprise staff were HIGHLY WARNED OF THE DANGERS trying to apprehend the prisoner, who finally is back on his own planet & left to their Prime Minister to do what he wants as the Away team beams back to the Enterprise. Episode could have been completed in half the time--way too drawn out discussing the psychological complexities of fighting wars & how 2 treat those soldiers after returning home to reintegrate back into society.
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