25 July 2019
Bad casting, abysmal acting, and even worse writing. If you can't get people with native ancestry or at least apparent native ancestry, don't make a movie involving Native Americans. I would rather eat ghost peppers while dehydrated than have to watch green-eyed natives with spray tan run around grunting for an hour again. In addition, don't make a movie with German immigrants if you can't get actors that can do a decent German accent.

The production quality wasn't all that bad, they stretched their resources a long way and by the looks of it had help from historical groups that enabled them to get their hands on certain props. However the plot was incoherent and pointless, and my previous comments remain true.

At times when watching it I couldn't help but be shocked at how bad it was, did they intentionally find the worst actors possible? Were the writers drunk or possibly mentally handicapped? So many questions that will probably never be answered, what a waste of time and money on their part.
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