Doctor Who: Castrovalva: Part Four (1982)
Season 19, Episode 4
It ends well.
25 July 2019
I can understand why the reviews are pretty negative here, but this is why I feel the need to review episodes individually, Castrovalva one of the best cases in point. The variation in quality is vast, parts one and two are less then average, and the forth part is pretty good.

Pacing has thus far been an issue, but here we get some pace, some urgency, and we aren't stuck with laboured scenes of Nyssa and Tegan explaining everything in basic terms.

The big reveal of the Master isn't exactly a surprise, but it's forgivable as the Doctor is in a mixed up state. The characters are really rather good, and the fate of the Master at the end is intriguing.

Castrovalva is patchy, in terms of story and acting, but this final part is very good. 7/10
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