After so much tragedy in the horse world . . .
30 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . it's kind of refreshing to get some comic relief from this quarter, even if TANGLED EVER AFTER runs for well under seven minutes. This Spring, of course, California's Santa Anita Race Track made international headlines as their four-month equine death toll reached a 21-nag salute. The size of this facility's ghost herd in the sky has continued to swell since then, with reports from OTHER states (think New York, Maryland, and Kentucky) on their own staggering records for equestrian demise roll in like a Red Tide, causing Misty to shed a few tears even before her old barn on Chincoteague went up in smoke this year. That, of course, echoes key bits of TANGLED EVER AFTER, many of which suggest Impending Doom (including a dark, viscous, pitch-like tidal wave chasing the stallion through narrow village streets, with this troubled trotter later landing in a "tar factory," which seems to be just one tiny canter removed from the Glue rendering facility). While a few lucky steeds such as "Trigger" may get stuffed and mounted in museums, Asia's gluttonous appetite for steak chow mane results in thousands of noble American wild mustangs being butchered annually in chop shops. So enjoy the horsey humor of TANGLED EVER AFTER--and then please donate to your local branch of SOME (Save Our Mr. Ed's).
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