Good Cast, Terrible Script
11 August 2019
This sounds like a good story line: German counter-espionage efforts to foil the leak of Ottoman secrets during the British assault on the Dardanelles (Gallipoli). Myrna Loy is quite attractive and the character actors (Lionel Atwill, C. Aubrey Smith) are in fine form. The plot is absurd, however, portraying everyone except Ms. Loy's character and her beau, played by a ridiculous George Brent, as dimwits and totally unqualified for the positions they occupy. Unbelievable plot devices abound. Brent's character, for example, pops up repeatedly and usually grinning in various locales as though this how Americans navigated war-torn Europe. He's from 'Pittsboig', by the way.

The last straw for me was the ending, which actually seemed to be headed toward an unexpected and highly dramatic twist. You be the judge. Or, more wisely, skip it.

Even for the era during which it was made, this film is an insult to the intelligence of its audience. 5 stars for the supporting cast.
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