14 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As the 19th century approaches the 20th, Dr Strange (assisted by Spider-Man) enters into conflict with General Zod over who will bring electricity to America, possibly on the back of things invented by the X-Man The Beast. I beg your pardon, I meant Thomas Edison (Benedict Cummerbund), Samuel Insull (Tom Holland), George Westinghouse (Michael Shannon), and Nikola Tasla (Nicholas Hoult). Excuse my facetiousness.

This interesting story is recounted with two main qualities. One is an exquisite visual sensibility. This is one of those rare films where it seems that every scene has been conceived as a work of art. It is an impressive looking film, and I recommend it on that basis.

Unfortunately, the other is a narrative dullness which prevents the dramatic narrative from ever catching fire, and this rather negates the visual aspect. You end up nodding off infront of the Mona Lisa. The script is worthy, but that's about all you can say for it.

The performances are good, the visuals are very good (Tom Holland's whiskers are almost convincing)(no, they're not), but it's just too dull to enjoy.
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