Angel of Mine (2019)
31 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This review doesn't contain any specific spoilers, but just the mention of there being a twist in my opinion can be a spoiler. I don't really know any other way to review this film than to include spoilers. I always try to avoid that but on this occasion the twist is too important to the quality of the film not to discuss it. 'Angel of Mine' is an Australian film that caught my eye with a solid cast and an interesting sounding premise. Around two-thirds of the way through the film I was cursing my decision to watch it. I was bored, disinterested and hoping for it to hurry up and end. Then the ending came around and everything changed.

Without specifically saying what happened, I'll simply say everything that had come before needed to be reconsidered (in a big way). In hindsight the film actually does a brilliant job of manipulating the audience into a certain way of thinking, without ever cheating. It is very similar to 'The Sixth Sense' in that regard. When the twist comes around I thought to myself, holy hell the implications this has could fill an entire other movie.

The problem this movie is going to have is that it does such a good job of throwing people off the scent that I think a lot are going to be frustrated and bored with it before they even make it to the big reveal. That would be very disappointing. I've always said the way you end your film is the most important factor in terms of how people will judge it. 'Angel of Mine' ends on an incredibly high note and thus a lot (but certainly not all) of its flaws are forgiven.
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