It's not great, but it's still fairly enjoyable.
8 September 2019
I don't think that anybody actually cared that 'X-Men: Dark Phoenix' was coming out. It seems like an odd move to add a fourth film to the, as it's now called, 'Beginnings trilogy', and 'Logan' (2017) very clearly should've been the end point for Fox's 'X-Men' series. I know I wasn't really interested in seeing it, especially in a year that already has 'Avengers: Endgame' (2019). Surprisingly, then, it's actually pretty good. It's far from great and easily the worst superhero flick of the year thus far, coming no where near any of the MCU efforts or even DC's 'Shazam!' (2019), but it's still an entertaining time. The 'Dark Phoenix' storyline is better delivered than in 'X-Men: The Last Stand' (2006) and there are some really fun action sequences throughout. Most of the cast are pretty good, as well, although the series' regulars (especially Jennifer Lawrence) seem to be getting tired with these roles and have clearly only returned due to contractual obligations or huge salaries. Thankfully then, a lot of time is spent with Sophie Turner and the post- 'Days Of Future Past' (2014) crew, who do good jobs. Hans Zimmer's return to superhero flicks is solid, too, even if it can get repetitive, and Kimberg confidently helms the piece, even if he doesn't really have a signature voice. It's probably clear that for every positive there seems to be a negative, and that pretty much sums this one up. Thankfully though, the positives do outweigh the negatives, most importantly in how entertaining it is. Like I said, it's not an outstanding example of the genre and is pretty middle of the road stuff when compared to the majority of superhero adventures. Still, for what it is, it's far more enjoyable than it should be and doesn't end the franchise in a bad light, even if it is a far, far weaker ending than what we got in 2017. 6/10
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