Beyond Good & Evil (2003 Video Game)
One of the best games ever
27 September 2019
Rating a game a 10/10 is a rare thing to do. But I believe Beyond Good and Evil deserves it. The story, characters, humor, and puzzles are all perfect. I didn't get to play this game back in the day, but that was because I had never heard of it. But I'm happy to have played it now. Beyond Good and Evil reminded me a lot of some animated movies I grew up watching like, Titan A.E., and, Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Perhaps that was why I liked it so much. It's baffling at how underrated this game is considered to be. It's a classic, through and through, and should be more well known.

Overall, I highly recommend playing Beyond Good and Evil. It's truly one of the best games ever.
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