So Undercover (2012)
Enjoy college as undercover !
30 September 2019
A chunky girl, Molly ( Miley Cyrus) is transported by FBI into a college 'KKZ' to look after a girl who is under threat of killing. Starting with action and serious mood of the movie turns later into a light mood at comedy hall of college where some funny situations are created and we only enjoy like comedy movie. Full of stupid characters, confused plot will entertain you till end. At ending suspense is revealed and you will not shocked. Acting by Miley Cyrus is boyish and good. This is my first movie to see her acting (before I had heard her name only) and I am not familiar with her famous role of 'Hannah Montana". I feel her acting is something like Anna Kendrick acting but having a touch of roughness. Only point is to watch movie, otherwise it would be wasted. Overall it is popcorn style movie.
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