Habeas Corpus (1928)
Never trust a man who uses his jackey pocket as an ashtray.
12 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not even gor $500 OR a slice of buttered toast!

Richard Carle is the epitome of a nutty professor, hiring Laurel and Hardy to body snatch for him. No sooner have they left on assignment, the professor is carted off to wherever nutty professors go, and that means that the boys are Corp hunting for nothing! Oliver, covered in paint even before they get there (with Laurel's white hand prints I a precarious place) isn't going to put up with nonsense from Stanley who claims that the cemetery is haunted by a body buried too soon. If getting isn't hard enough for them, getting out is going to be more difficult as they deal with a moving lantern, a black cat, a bat and Laurel's all around battiness. Oliver's lit on fire, a man in a white sheet stalks them, and Oliver knocks over a cement was obviously made out of styrofoam bricks. Oliver believes his own toe is some sort of grizzly creature. It's strange yet funny, and a distinctive reminder why you should leave the dead alone. If they can outwit the nitwits, that's not even worth a loaf of buttered toast!
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