Greenhouse Academy (2017–2020)
Some pretty cringe-worthy stuff throughout, but awesome storyline!
14 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, this series is awesome for its concept and plots. But, unfortunately, this series has a number of little cringes. I don't really remember seasons 1 and 2, but in season 3, I felt quite a bit of cringe throughout.

Firstly, the series is very predictable. There are a number of moments where I think, "And this is going to happen now," and then the thing does happen, as predicted. There are many moments where something useless happens, like the time Leo kisses Becca, they date for like, 3 days, and then they break up. That was unnecessary.

They also didn't have to make The Client and Suzanne be in a relationship too. Did anyone notice that? They could have been working together for an entirely more creative reason, like, maybe, payment? Or maybe some other, more complicated reason? The whole reason for their evil doing is monetary gain.

Also, there is too much relationship drama involved. There doesn't have to be so much. This is about a group of kids banding together to save the world, right? Intertwining relationship drama is so stereotypical.

Also, in reply to a user who says the casting and dating is stereotypical, Haley, a white girl, starts dating Daniel, a black guy in season 3. Not so stereotypical now, is it? Also, Sophie isn't white.

Also, I understand why they changed the actress for Brooke, but still kind of a bummer. Why did they completely take Jackie out, too?

Now, for the positives. So far, the plot line is very interesting. I like how it takes 2 seasons to complete one storyline. It raises the suspense level to a greater level. I'm a bit nervous about the ending of season 3 and the start of season 4. Hopefully, they make Leo and Haley survive, but something hints at the fact that Leo might die. They could possibly find a cure at the last minute, but very suspenseful overall. Making two beloved characters die is not very predictable, but it would be very damaging to the series. Who knows? We'll see.

I really like the fact that they killed one stereotype: the nerdy kid is the loser. I like that they made Max an important character and even gave him a non-nerdy girlfriend. That's one stereotype they killed. That's not very predictable as well. I'm a bit sad that they switched Haley's and Brooke's houses. It just doesn't seem right.

That's all I have to say for this series. I'm outta here!
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