Animal instincts
18 November 2019
Although not every episode is great, mainly when it centers around some of the less interesting characters, that doesn't stop me from loving 'Tiny Toon Adventures'. With the writing and most of the characters being especially good. Have a lot of animated shows that are favourites and they are not completely exempt from disappointments either so am not going to hold 'Tiny Toon Adventures' not always being consistent against it.

Returning to the triple bill segment-structured type of episode, "Wake Up Call of the Wild" really isn't among the best of them from personal view, among the lesser ones for me. An above average episode but not an awful lot more than sadly. There are still enough things that makes 'Tiny Toon Adventures' so great in it which does stop it from being average or less. It is comprised of three segments, "Migrant Mallard", "It's a Jungle Out There" and "Kitty Cat-Astrophe". Only one worked really for me though.

That was "Migrant Mallard". Partly because Plucky is the funniest and most interesting main character of the three segments by far and the segment is the closest of the three to capture the razor sharp wit and wackiness that play such a big role in the show's appeal and the show's type of humour. There are funnier and more compelling wraparounds, the parts that link the segments, but they are still amusing and witty and one cannot go wrong with Buster and Babs, two of the show's best characters.

Have no problem with the animation, which is vibrant, neat and meticulous as always with some inventive, inspired expressions and reactions. The music is always dynamic with the infectious theme song still a classic. The writing has enough moments of witty and energetic and the pacing isn't dull. Buster, Babs and Plucky are great fun and have nothing to complain about with any of the voice acting in the whole episode.

It is a shame though that the other two segments aren't as strong. "It's a Jungle Out There" (not to be confused with the theme song from 'Monk' on a very irrelevant side note) fares better as it is the closest of the segments to the show's theme in a way, has amusing moments and the pitbull is an enjoyable character. It could have done with more energy however and wit, it is predictable and Condor is not always the most compelling of characters, found the supporting characters had more personality.

Faring weakest is "Kitty-Astrophe". It is dependent on your stance on Furrball is regarding whether you enjoy the segment or not, for me he is pleasant enough but not one of the stronger 'Tiny Toon Adventures' characters. Found him a bit bland here though and personally think he doesn't quite have enough personality to be a lead character. The material again lacks energy and wit primarily down to the lack of surprises as the story is very slight and a little too cute and over-familiar. Not an awful segment, it just felt bland.

Summarising, above average but not a shining hour in the show's run. 6/10
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