In the right hands it could almost haver been good...
2 December 2019
Kenneth Branagh has directed some incredibly powerful and faithful adaptations of Shakespeare. Ms Knightly has drawn rapturous praise for portraying the simpering airhead. Neither, sadly, are appropriate for a high octane poor-man's Mission Impossible. As for Mr Pine, the script hardly does him any favours as he hops miraculously from one impossible situation to the next up waves of top Russian hit squads. He's about as convincing as a C.I.A. operative as he was as a Captain Kirk. - which is not at all. Jack Reacher: Shadow Recruit is a trite copy of the standard counter-intelligence film and a rather poor one at that. Honestly fellers, stick to what you're good please, at and save the rest of our more discerning audiences the price of the admission ticket.
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