Review of Darkroom

Darkroom (1981–1982)
Developing Terror
4 December 2019
This show is another under the radar gem, this was an anthology horror I honestly never heard about until there was a marathon of it on the "Sci-Fi" channel. Yeah this show's not a classic but it could have been, if this show like any developing photograph given a little more time, it could have been with the line up of other anthology horror shows like "Tales from the Darkside" and "The Twilight Zone" (80's revival); sadly the shows ratings just didn't develop fast enough what a shame.

I really like that intro which I'll admit is one of the creepiest intros up there with "Are you Afraid of the Dark" and those two shows I mentioned earlier, and it's an honorable mention in favorite themes. Just seeing that camera constantly moving through an unknown house which really created a sense of disorientation, creeped me out as I was afraid the camera was going to pick up on a ghost or monster within the unknown household. And hear that creepy music with the narration by James Coburn, I'll admit those things gave me a small chill.

The late great James Coburn is just very good as the host, he defiantly has the voice that just fits with the show, almost feels like the kind of voice you might hear in a horror radio show (shame that actor never got to do those). Always like how he's always going throughout the house and even shows us each developing photo which goes with the upcoming story.

Despite a short time the show managed to have some memorable stories, from a double billing episode where the first one is sort of an E.C. comics like tale on a Voodoo Priestess getting revenge on a dirty pimp.

The second is a sad but interesting tale on a Vietnam Vet whose guilt finally catches up with him in the form of small solders; this tale sort of predates a Steven King short story from "Nightmares and Dreamscapes" which was uncannily similar. Makes me wonder if Steven King watched this show.

Another is almost a superhero tale, on a down on his luck protagonist that's is a target for mobsters and his only salvation is a mystical make up bag that can change him into anything. This tale was one of Billy Crystal's debuts and the episode is defiantly worth looking at for his performance which is impressive.

Final note, it would be really cool if this show got a DVD and Blu Ray release as this show is another lost unreleased gem. "Mill Creek Entertainment" should think of getting on this as they are famous for releasing some shows and movies forgotten and under the radar, it's a thought to consider anyway.

Overall, it's a solid anthology horror show, it's not quite a classic but like any developing photograph is worth a look.

Rating: 3 stars
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