Heavy Rain (2010 Video Game)
New player; pleasantly surprised.
8 December 2019
I never played this game when it came out but I, an obsessive, found myself in possession of Detroit: Become Human a couple of months ago (thanks psn), and after bleeding that utterly dry I thought I'd give this a crack. Honestly, not disappointed. Well, maybe a bit; I liked the flowchart in Detroit (as mentioned, obsessive), and this doesn't have that, but I'll live.

Firstly, it's old and it shows. I didn't have any idea HOW old until I came on here though, it's aged really quite well considering.

The controls are a bit dodgy in places, lots of flipping around, not quite facing in the right direction which is annoying, but fortunately that's not generally much of a problem considering you're usually only walking around freely when not much is happening; if you can take occasionally bumping into doorframes it's fine. The action sequences are all QTE so it's not like you're going to accidentally punch yourself in the face (someone else might if you don't have muscle memory though).

I can't judge the graphics fairly because I never saw it new. By today's standards they're not great, but they're not the worst thing I've seen either. I got icked out by the uncanny valley a few times but Detroit did that to me too, I think maybe it's just the stylistic choice. The lighting, effects, set composition, and general atmosphere are actually still really visually pleasing in my opinion; you can tell they went all out there.

I've seen the voice acting mentioned here repeatedly and it didn't bother me at all, but I'm not American. If you are, I spose it could sound as bad to you as it sounds to me when you try to sound English. Not sure why they cast a bunch of barely known English actors to play Americans in a French game...cost? Dry humour? No idea.

The story is good. It's not groundbreaking or anything, but it's solid. There are some plot issues and some wtf moments but name me a game without any. The characters are a bit shallow, but generally likeable. On the negative, I think for today's audience the women getting shower scenes and sidelined would probably cause a fuss (maybe it already has, idk, I don't have the mental energy for that side of the Internet).

Overall, good game, aged well(ish), more engaging through character driven narrative than by gameplay but that makes a fun change. If, like me, you played Detroit, liked it, and that's why you're here, go for it, it's obviously it's predecessor. Can't say much more on it really.
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