I thoroughly enjoyed it!
22 December 2019
Let me start by saying never once have a written a review on here before. I have never felt the need because the reviews I have seen here reflected my opinion quite well. I have always been a fan of period style films and novels, so when I heard about this darker version of a beloved story from my childhood I was a little wary of it. A Christmas Carol is one of my all time favorite Novellas/Films. I felt a little biased going I to this. I was afraid I wasn't going to enjoy it. I have never been so pleased to be wrong. This version of the classic story feels so much more real and human than any other version I have ever seen. No it isn't in the style a traditional holiday classic, however it really humanizes the character of Ebenezer Scrooge and the times in which the original Novella was written and the time period in which it takes place. People are on here bashing it because of the darker tone. What most don't realize is that during that time period things of that nature did occur quite frequently. Of course we don't learn them in history class and whatnot, but they did happen. I am so happy with how FX and the BBC showed life in 1842. Another thing I would like to touch on is Guy Pearce's performance as Scrooge. He did a phenomenal job. This really shows the range of his acting abilities. He plays it so well! So to anyone reading this, I highly recommend watching this! I know I will be watching it again and again.
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