Star Wars: Resistance (2018–2020)
It is Star Wars and it's not bad
23 December 2019
First of all I know this show is aimed at kids but as a massive Star Wars fan I wanted to check it out. Especially since Filoni has done other great Star Wars animated shows like Clone Wars and Rebels, which I love and think they are both amazing. Resistance was a tough pill to swallow at first. It is definitely not as fun and engaging as Clone Wars and Rebels. Having rewatched all the films and shows I still had a Star Wars itch that I needed to scratch and the only thing I hadn't seen was Resistance. So I gave it a shot. The first season was okay, with some nice elements with BB-8, Leia, Poe, Phasma being involved. But I honestly think season two is a major improvement on the show, there is a lot more exploration and a lot more resistance elements. The whole point is that a group of people don't have to be officially affiliated with the Resistance to be a group of resistance freedom fighters. And season 2 is really building up on that as well as showing how an unsure impressionable young adult could be swayed by the First Order's beliefs. I don't think the show is great or amazing, but I really don't think the show deserves a 4.8, I think it belongs more in the 6.5-7.0 range. I genuinely feel most of the ratings and reviews are by people who just saw the trailer and said "nope that's not Star Wars" or people who saw the pilot/couple episodes and said the same thing. I agree it's not a masterpiece but it is very much Star Wars and it is an attempt at doing a larger world building in the Star Wars universe without depending and obsessing over the Skywalkers and romanticising over the Jedis being heroes. I hope the show improves and makes better plot developments and I hope Disney make more expanded universe type shows in the animated space. People are already loving The Mandalorian and we have the Obi-Wan show coming plus we have the next season of Clone Wars coming so things are looking up for us fans.
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