Review of Night Wolf

Night Wolf (2010)
No Comparison to "Dog Soldiers"
17 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw "From A Producer of DOG SOLDIERS" on the advertisement for this film 🎞 on Amazon Prime, plus the fact it was about werewolves, I was sure I had struck it rich💰! Well I was about to be sorely disappointed. Basically a British girl (Sarah) comes home back from LA to find her stepfather and stepbrothers' home/mansion 🏛 in total disarray. The stepfather is having financial difficulties and possibly marital problems with Sarah's mother who has left for the evening. After visiting with him she goes out to join her step/half brothers (it's a bit confusing) who are getting stoned with a couple friends in a barn. None of these characters were likable in the least and I kept hoping for a werewolf 🐺 to hurry up, show up and slaughter their idiotic, annoying asee off! Anyway, the power goes off suddenly and they all think it's due to the storm ⛈ outside. So they all leave the barn to go back to the house in order to get candles 🕯, more booze 🥃 and drugs 💊. However when they come in, UH-OH! there's some ketchup, I mean blood on the carpet leading upstairs. This leads to some very poor camera 🎥 angle scenes and chases by an unseen assailant. The foolish characters do very foolish AND predictable things in response. The werewolves turn out to be cheap looking, bald subhumans. The police 🚔 are useful as wet paper bags. And the so-called twist at the end of the movie was revealed about halfway through it. Don't get me wrong. I loved "Dog Soldiers" but if the producer had a connection to that great werewolf movie and this flop, he definitely shouldn't claim it.
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