Review of In Fear Of

In Fear Of (2012– )
A Terrific Composite of Horror , Humor , & Surprises deftly sums up this Fascinating Anthology !
4 February 2020
It begins with Iconic Scream Queen Debbie Rochon as 'Sgt. Stone' In "Fear of Acting" . She plays the Take-Charge leader of a SWAT Team of two . I just Loved watching Her Eye Twitch as She's barking orders to Her Reluctant Partner . Meanwhile there's a Zombie Ho-Down going on , where they're all Fixated on Lovely Heather Drew for a quick meal . The Zombies include Robert M. Jackson as the 'Crate Zombie' , John Link as the 'Shirtless Zombie' showing off his manly Physique , KJ Hopkins as the Munching 'Head Zombie' , Edward X. Young as the Devouring 'Foot Zombie' , & I thought he only Gobbled-Up Chicken , & that Savory Horror Queen & the Zombie that I'd Most Love to have over for Dinner , Gorgeous Genoveva Rossi , is the 'Red Zombie' ! Look for the Surprise Twist at the End of this ! P.S. Debbie Rochon also Directed this Short Gem ! 'Fear Of Aging" is All Sweet & Sexy Suzi Lorraine ; & if You want to know what keeps Her Eternally Youthful , Beautiful , & Shapely , this is a Must-See ! Kelly Rae LeGault is Fabulos as the 'Wife' with "Fear of Being Poisoned" ; & look for Manoush as the Wicked 'Witch' ! 'Brandon' Portrayed by Zach Locuson has the "Fear of Being Buried Alive" , & is Brilliant , along with Lovely Jamie White as 'Lori' ; & again , look for Pavarti as the Malicious & Malevolent 'Mee Maw' . Amazing Anne Bobby portrays 'Emma' , who has a "Fear of Leaving Home" . "Fear of Being Bound" Stars the always Alluring & Supremely Sexy Kaylee Williams as 'Katrina' , along with the delightful Heather Drew as 'Christine' ! 'Mickey' , played by Larry Wade Carrell , has a "Fear of Abandonment" ; & 'Sharon' , the Lady he Most Needs is Portrayed by the Lovely & Talented Mayra Leal ! & Finally , "Fear of the Dark" is pretty much all the work of Talented & Gorgeous Raine Brown ! Remember to Stick Around after the Closing Credits to see More of Debbie Rochon's "Fear of Acting" ! The one Draw-Back is that Not All the Episodes Appear Here ... I just Hope that there's more being released Real Soon ... Especially more of Genoveva Rossi , Suzi Lorraine , Heather Drew , & Edward X. Young . In the meantime , Sit Back , Relax , & Enjoy " In Fear Of : The Anthology" !
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