Live Once, Die Twice (2006 TV Movie)
With luck you can sleep through it if you are somehow forced to watch this exercisein lazy writing and thinly veiled lame politics BS being injected.
10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well despite having2 acrtresses that later in their careers learned to actually act their performances here were.. lacking shall we say and cmbined with bad writing/directing I doubt it would matter. I fortunately have seen newer works with Cindy (Private eyes where she has become more polished over the years but is still carried by Jason's skills IMO) and Kellie whom I more recently caught in "A Christmas Ornament" where her skills obviously were much improved. The 10+ yrs between this and most of the newer material I've seen with either Cindy or Kellie in has certainly helped both gain experience and skill from such. (Some get experience but never improve their skill or lack thereof regardless)

But to be fail the writer of this movie is obviously more concerned with typical unimaginative "twists" aka plot A, sub-plot B, with a load of BS trying to obfuscate the political crap from the writer(s). And sadly more of the typical unrealistic action sequences written by those that are absolutely clueless about reality

example dialog by a supposed cop walking 2 "rough looking thugs" into a station.

~~~ "Nice bunch of guys.
  • Well, that's what happens when
a country has real gun control." ~~~~

Reality however is in Canada the gun control laws are so poorly written (intentionally) they are 95% focused on control and punishment of the law abiding firearms owners and the only part in the "'firearms act" explicitly written to aim at actual ad guys has never been used in court yet (25+ yrs later) No I'm not joking.. its sadly 100% true (Given the actual aim of c-68/c-71 from the mid 1990s thats not a surprise for anyone that was actually paying attention)

Now as for the action sequence as well .. yet again typical of someone that would hove a flat out lie like the above dialog into a script is proof they know nothing about firearms or the actual laws in reality.

Warning SPOLIER ALERT for anyone that can't predict the absurdly obvious.

Nearer the end of the movie there is a gun fight between the bad guy and the PI (Mac) the women had hired. A LONG running battle.. which in and of itself is very unrealistic (real life gun fights between only 2 people typically are over in less than a min.)

But in the grand hollywood tradition this "gun battle" goes on and on with both sides firing off a pile of shots each.. not once ever reloading (aka Rambo style ) despite the fact that both are using REVOLVERS which the majority of which are 6 shot capacity (and the highest semi-common capacity model was not present here only holds 8 (and we can safely eliminate the 10/12 shot .22 types since no one realistically would be using that as a sidearm)

Also as to the abve injectio of the writers lame attempt to claim "real gun control" for Canada.. the big bad guy obviously was still armed regardless of those laws (FAIL) and the PI which I didn't catch if hes supposed to be Canadian or American. However in either case legally he would NOT be armed so yet another FAIL in the writing. (IF he is Canadian he would need an ATC to have a sidearm and those are basically non-existant and no PI's are NOT armed in Canada.. and if he was an American he woul be disarmed to enter the country (even most cops that are visiting are NOT allowed to be armed while here) and if he was not in adherance with that section of the law it would again make him a bad guy with a firearmillegally. so FAIL again.

Now granted this is a lower budget made for TV movie and we all know hollywood in general is not known for getting things right. But given even the lowest budget shows can at least make an effort to get things right and be more realistic.

Yes I am a well qualified source for this subject before you ask. I also have helped on more than one production I worked on in keeping such facts more accurate and mostly its not that hard with a lil effort. The sad fact is its extremely lazy writing/directing in most cases.. since even some of the better produced shows get garbage like this included..

Not to mention the never ending idiot mistake of calling a magazine a clip.. they are NOT the same thing! Getting that small fact straight alone would help a lot for realisim and accuracy. And don't even get me started on some of he most pathetic farces in this regard like the tripe "supergirl" /facepalm

Anyhow if you are bored to tears and /or have brokenlegs and no modern remote control then maybe you will suffer through this movie.. but with luck you will be spared and can sleep through it instead.

There are worse.. but the bad writing and blatant BS is way too prevalent to give this one more than 2 stars (one star alone for not having uwe boll involved)
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