Didn't work
13 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The film is about a family (dad and one young son and one teen daughter) the Dad believes in Greek Gods. (we never fully find out how much of it is an act) The father I guess is interested in the park ranger (Harris) but tells his daughter she can't talk to her son who is her age.

The daughter at night beings to see a strange creature with a beak, that was well done btw.

She tries to tell her dad, who doesn't believe her.

The father ends up being (I GUESS????) crazy, but doesn't really explain why. He does take medication but it's never said what it is. He ends up killing the park ranger during sex, which was a pretty stupid scene really. The daughter sees him, and we find out the Dad murdered the eldest daughter and possibly the mother. Why does he do this? He claims it's because he wanted silence, but I suppose we are to believe he's just a full blown nut.

We find out the "monster" was actually the image of the eldest daughter that the father sort of created.

They kill the father and escape.


The monster although no "real" was pretty neat. The concept of modern humans believing in Greek Gods is original and fascinating. One of the best visually looking low budget films you'll ever see.


The story makes very little to no sense. The fathers insanity is never explained, and no hint was ever given to the kids until this final day. His actions make no sense, and maybe that was the films purpose, but it isn't supposed to confuse US. Really all of the issues are to do with the story, it's really bad to be honest, it was trying to be clever but failed miserably...the tension isn't a build up at all, it just begins to climax out of no where. I hate to slam a movie with such an original concept, but it was too simple to have been the mess that it was.

If it was just a monster film I think it would've been one of the coolest movies I've seen in so long, but it tried to be a mind game, and it failed.

PSA: STOP WASTING DANIELLE HARRIS TALENT WITH THESE FILMS!!! She's a horror Queen, and deserves better.
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