Not a miracle to believe in
18 February 2020
Really wanted to like 'A Christmas Tree Miracle' when seeing it as part of my extensive Christmas film quest, certainly so much more than how it turned out to be. The concept was interesting and sounded like it would be a heart-warming and charming festive film with content worth relating to. Christmas, as has been said quite a few times, is my favourite type of year, though occasionally you may not think so reading a small handful of past reviews of the films from this film quest (which did very much vary in quality).

While 'A Christmas Tree Miracle' is not unwatchable or awful by all means, it doesn't have enough of what makes Christmas so special to me and is somewhere around low middle as far as the films as part of my festive film quest go. Personally don't agree with the above average rating as of now here and agree more with the more indifferent/negative opinions of the, on here, mixed critical reaction. If asked whether 'A Christmas Tree Miracle' is worth the look, my answer would be see it as a one time watch for curiosity and completest value but no it is not something that is highly recommended.

'A Christmas Tree Miracle' has good things. It is very nicely filmed and the scenery is lovely on the eyes as well. Some parts on the soundtrack makes one smile and well up with nostalgia.

It was mostly very difficult to get behind the characters and didn't think very highly of the acting in general, but Nina is a very likeable and easy to identify with character and Siomha Kenney's acting as her shows a mature deeply felt performance. Terry Kiser also comes over well. The message is a good one and well intended, not falling into the trap as much as other festive films seen recently of being delivered with too much of a heavy hand.

However, most of the acting is at best one-dimensional, some even not looking as if they wanted to be there. A couple of exceptions aside, the biggest one being Nina, the characters are deeply unsympathetic and at worst obnoxious, especially the mother. Their decision making tends to be rushed and not make sense, and one really gets irritated by and starts to hate them. Other than the message, the story didn't connect with me. Too mawkish and contrived and hurt even further by slack pacing, being far too reliant on unrealistic coincidences (not much point naming worst offenders as there is far too much of this aspect and none ring true) and things happening out of nowhere for no real reason. Not unless they were explained in draft form or even filmed but left on the editing room floor.

From the very beginning the dialogue is really cheesy and trite, with no depth, lots of groaners and awkward lines that one doesn't thankfully hear a lot in everyday life. The music is far too constant and can be rather over-bearing. There is not an awful lot of heart or warmth here with so little to engage with or connect to. The direction never rises above routine and mostly doesn't even reach that.

Overall, not awful but mediocre. Needed more heart, realism and characters worth giving a toss, sorely lacking here. 4/10
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