Misbehaviour (2020)
Important and engaging.
14 March 2020
'Misbehaviour' tells an important story well; it's fairly fast-moving, has some great performances and is always engaging. While there's nothing outstanding in the filmmaking department, it's all well-done and supports its narrative by letting the characters and messages lead the way. Speaking of its messages, it has a great overall pro-equality stance that goes deeper than its feminist roots, covering issues like social class and racism. In that regard, it's a very important film for today as it's sadly all too relatable to current affairs. The flick does have a slight issue with the story it wants to tell, though. It focuses on both the liberation group and the 'Miss World competitors', especially Mbatha-Raw's Jennifer Hosten. While this does give the chance to view things from different perspectives and allows for the exploration of more themes, it makes things feel slightly muddled. Perhaps it would've benefited from choosing one perspective to focus the story through to make things a little more streamlined. Still, both storylines are effective and the thing works as a whole, but it just feels like something which could have improved the proceedings slightly. Overall, though, it's certainly worth the watch. 7/10
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