Hitmen (2020–2021)
Epically unfunny
29 March 2020
I have a sense of humour. I know I do. It's not to everyone's taste, and it can be a bit dark, but I can make people laugh. I've appeared on the West End Stage, once, at a charity gig, to make people laugh, and I was asked to do that because I can - make people laugh.

This can't. It's awful. Truly, madly, deeply - awful. I watched it with a completely open mind, and I couldn't even smile, let alone laugh. I am well aware of the reputation of the two leading ladies, but I promise you, they have made a terrible mistake with this. It is not funny. And I recognise that can only be my opinion, because comedy and humour, like so many other things in our lives, is entirely subjective. But it's still not funny. Honestly. In my opinion.

The timing is interesting, coinciding as it does with "Kate and Koji", the new sitcom by Andy Hamilton & Guy Jenkin. (They wrote, amongst other things, Drop The Dead Donkey and Outnumbered). Kate and Koji is good. It's not as good, yet, as their other stuff, but it's good. It makes me laugh, and it's the first new 'sitcom' to do that in quite a while. And it is so much better than Hitmen, against which it cannot fail to be compared, simply because of the timing.

So there you are. It's an honest review, with no spoilers. Happy to discuss and, I think, especially with anyone who would care to pick one or two lines, or a specific segment they find particularly hilarious, and explain to me just why that is.
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