Westworld: Parce Domine (2020)
Season 3, Episode 1
Contra Dictum
12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The prototypical rich white wife beater wakes up in the night to the shock of blaring opera, wearing a gas mask, wrists bound. His Smart home has been Jerry-Rigged. The oxygen/CO2 balance is radically disrupted and his wife and security system are reduced to core functions. He's trapped in the house. A Dolores unit is seen outside, swimming nude in his stylish arc pool (so we can have some stylish nudity). She approaches the door from outside (dripping wet) and just simply gains access via the electronic security system (she and his smart home have a certain simpatico). She clarifies with her victim that he was one of the guests in Westworld who assaulted her (he must be bad), and he attempts to hail security to her scant amusement. She torments him by putting glasses on him that can somehow just display his memories of his first wife who he abused and murdered, and she can just change the scenery around him to simulate the grounds of his former (stylish) home where he killed his wife in the pool. She's there for money and intel, and after taking him for all he's worth and killing him in a fall at the pool she tells his wife who has emerged from the house that she is the person who performed the 'meritorious' act of setting her free (as a 'benefit' derived from being near-fatally poisoned and wiped out financially).

Caleb is an average-seeming guy who works with an industry robot partner laying cable. He sometimes talks to a simulation of his dead buddy, Francis in phone conversations, and visits his mother in a care facility where she takes benign-looking pharmaceuticals, gazes at a hyper-tranquil simulated sky above her bed, and ruminates that he's not her son. He talks about the prevailing 'meritocracy' social system that rates people and then awards better opportunities to the ones with merit, wondering where that leaves people like him who didn't qualify. He has an app for criminals called RICO where crime opportunities are advertised by type. He selects a 'Redistributive Justice' option that he qualifies for based on his stats, collects a bag of explosives from a courier and meets up with two more RICO users. They rob an ATM and he's subsequently offered the opportunity to rate his associates. He's also awarded an increase in his stats and a merit badge.

A Hale unit steps out of a company aircraft and lights a cigarette. With a world-weary attitude of grudging necessity, she joins a board meeting and promptly proves how very 'impressively' ruthless she is by somehow just literally muting a board member speaking at the table about loss of life in the Westworld massacre. She then continues to just really, really prove how very 'impressively' ruthless she Even More is by just nonchalantly saying their brand is 'Bona Fide' now because people go to Westworld for the thrill. William has appointed a machine proxy to act for him in absentia, and the one machine apparently agrees with the other, so then by their combined computing 'power' the Hale unit 'impressively' ruthlessly declares that the company will go private to limit oversight and become more opaque. She doesn't care that people died; she just doesn't even care because she's just that 'impressively' ruthless.

Some part of a Bernard unit demonstrates a humane sensibility when he's concerned for a wounded cow at the livestock farm where he's working. He appears to be somewhat wounded himself still; he's become aware that he is not self-aware, finally, again. Later in his tent he himself interrogates himself and asks himself if he's had any recent contact with Dolores (but he's probably asking the wrong unit about the wrong unit). Probing deeper, he himself asks himself if he would lie to himself. Again, the answer is of little value.

In a scene of sleek modernity and 'sophistication', Dolores is shown entering a gala in a little black dress which she suddenly converts into a gold metallic floor-length gown with a quick pull at the front. It's like the sudden display of a peacock's elaborate tail, but it's purely fool's gold; a dress within a dress as a simulation of 'clever' sexiness. She's dripping with lamé. She later 'impressively seductively' unfolds a theory in conversation (with the buddy of a man she's stalking) about the nucleus accumbens being the God-center of the brain. She just knows every obscure little thing now because she's just so very knowledgeable and astute.

Caleb tells his therapist with anxious boredom that he thinks the benefits of the program are conditional on the fact that he participates. His therapist indicates that it's not going to work if he doesn't choose to accept it. Leaving his therapist's office, he avoids a call from Francis and chooses 'Party Cleanup' on RICO, subsequently finding himself in a tediously structured art house necro party. There are psycho-props and fusty dead-looking people striking passive/unresponsive poses. People just wander around drinking, taking benign-looking drugs, and choosing displays to view. Meeting up with two RICO associates, Caleb's mission (since he chose to accept it) is to get control of a psychotically boring naked guy who is screaming.

The man being stalked by a Dolores unit, Liam brings her to see the Ultra Big data Artificial Intelligence Death Star his father built (called Rehoboam ("People Of Width")), which strategizes a true course for everyone. He's promptly called away on business and leaves in a fast car, so the authors have Dolores just commandeer an ultra-wide-bodied sport bike so we can see her ride it in her ultra-skimpy little red dress to some synth music that is ultra-reminiscent of the 80's. She is instantly foolishly stylish. She then just instantly rents an apartment adjacent to Liam's meeting where she puts on 'sophisticated' sunglasses that can just zoom in and capture audio from a distance of about 100 meters because that just gets to happen because it's just easier for them to write it that way.

Two potential blackmailers at the meat processing plant corner the Bernard unit and start tazing him with a cattle prod (they must be bad). Some part of the Bernard unit then handles them, leaving them as bloody heaps on the floor (despite a part of the Bernard unit requesting that they not be hurt too badly). But that's OK, because they had it coming and now the Bernard unit will conveniently have to leave in a hurry and go back to Westworld to try to form a coherent plan.

Caleb is rejected for a job opportunity and immediately makes an A to B choice on RICO (because, as he says, he doesn't do personals). In the next scene, the Dolores unit is seen pulling her skimpy little black dress back down over her thighs in the bathroom at Liam's penthouse (it's interesting because she apparently does the bathroom deed like a human too). She's later tazed in the back of the head by Liam's security agent/manager, Martin who's identified her as an imposter. He gets a team together to move her from point A to point B (a rendezvous they found in an encrypted text she sent) with the intention of discovering her associates and then killing her and dumping her body.

At the rendezvous, Caleb hands over the murder weapon (vials of a lethal drug) to personnel engaged for the woman-killing detail and 'impressively' tells the man who pulls a gun on him that he's already been shot in the head before. It's interesting because you have to wonder which brain areas were damaged and why there's no evidence of a gunshot wound and why he's walking and talking like Normal.

Later, as Martin leans in to finish off The Imposter with an excess dose of the drug, he rightly identifies the real problem: "I can't imagine anyone's gonna miss you." So then of course, the Dolores imposter is predictably unaffected by the lethal drug and she goes all skimpy-dressy-badassy-assainassy and kills most of the guys who were engaged for the woman-killing detail like a pissed off Stormtrooper, driving off with one of their cars. She tracks down Martin and shoots him in the legs demanding that he give her the identity of the person who controls Rehoboam so then he just does. He's shot in the head by himself (a host partner the Dolores unit has created in his likeness). The Martin unit remarks that she's hurt badly (she has a bloody wound in her abdomen) but she says it doesn't matter (it really does), so he leaves her to return to service impersonating the real Martin. She rages on (to Terminator music), taking out two of the three remaining guys and grudgingly lumbering down the street holding her wound as her commandeered sport bike just drives itself at high speed into the last guy standing.

Caleb unsubscribes from Francis saying that if he's going to get on with his life he's going to have to find something or someone real. He heads back to the rendezvous area and sees the Dolores imposter. She's doubled over. Seeing him coming, she falls into his arms.
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