Tiny Toon Adventures: Sawdust and Toonsil (1990)
Season 1, Episode 31
Tiny Toons go to the circus
13 April 2020
"Sawdust and Toonsil" appealed to me straightaway when younger and the premise still appealed nearly thirty years on. Being a fan of 'Tiny Toon Adventures' and it is always interesting to see a sinister side to the circus, rather than the fun and exciting circus atmosphere that quite a lot of people remember. The show did a fair share of single story episodes, but it also did a lot of episodes with two or more segments revolving around a wraparound story or theme.

This is an example of the former. Not one of the best single story episodes though and a let down slightly after the sheer brilliance that is one of the show's high points "Fields of Honey". There are also a lot of 'Tiny Toon Adventures' episodes that are better. That is not disparaging it, "Sawdust and Toonsil" is still great in its own way and makes the most of its setting. With so many great things and actually very little wrong.

Just that previous and succeeding episodes had more of the extra something, such as imagination of the material, that "Sawdust and Toonsil" slightly lacks.

Having said that, "Sawdust and Toonsil" is wonderfully done in so many areas. The circus setting is far from settled and made great use of. The nostalgia and excitement of the setting is captured beautifully, likewise with the danger, and the more sinister portrayal is handled suspensefully and atmospherically without being too heavy on it. There is plenty of room for the typical 'Tiny Toon Adventures' wackiness and razor sharp wit, and it delivers frequently on both. The episode is lots of fun and can be quite hilarious. The story entertains and excites, with lively pacing, a little more invention and it would have been even better.

All the regular lead characters are on top form and true to character, with compelling personality traits that carry "Sawdust and Toonsil" with ease. Nobody is wasted and nobody is annoying or dull. Gogo is enormous fun in support. The voice acting can't be faulted as usual, courtesy of some of the best and most prolific voice actors of the past thirty years or so. Frank Welker especially excels, having fun particularly as Gogo.

Lots of meticulous attention to background detail, vibrant colours and wonderfully wacky expressions can be seen throughout in the animation. The music is dynamic with not a questionable placement, while the theme song is one of those once heard never forgotten sort.

Summing up, great but just missing the extra something. 9/10
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