Behind You (2020)
Keep this Movie Behind You
25 April 2020
This movie was selected from a long list of possibilities in a search for a good old fashioned scary ghost story. I am a huge horror fan, and I watch movies a lot. So I consider myself a good judge of the genre This movie made a ton of promises, with very little payout. You get set up for the usual spooky secrets in the haunted house/ basement bit, complete with children to scare witless, and seemingly disgruntled relatives. So lets dig in........and waiting..........and waiting..........Other than a slow passing of character exposition, where we get reminded that there are dark secrets in this house, the bulk of the movie goes by with very little actual supernatural events. Then just before you decide you really have wasted your night on a boring movie, it explodes into a non-stop horror roller coaster. 90% of the action takes place in the last 10% of the movie. The rest of the movie felt juvenile and cheesy. Just too little too late for me.
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