"Herman, I must ask Freddie where he gets his slime. It looks imported".
28 April 2020
As a kid I loved the TV series "The Munsters", but don't ask me to choose between either "The Munsters" or "The Adam's Family". Both were staples of my childhood - watching reruns on the TV with my parents and sister. Now the films were a different story, as my memory of them were hazy at best. So it was like going in fresh.

Herman and his kooky family made their big-screen debut in a spin-off from the television series, "Munster, Go Home!". This sees the loveable family heading to England (studio back lot stand-ins) for an inheritance. However they face stiff opposition from their English cousins who will do anything to stop them from gaining the title of Lord Munster. As expected there are whacky hi-jinks, smarting one-liners and running gags around the stranger-than-life characters. From Herman's clueless actions to Lily trying to keep the family out of mischief and grandpa always finding himself in trouble with his clumsy experiments. In what feels like an extended episode with a change of scenery (well, sort of) and a budget matching its TV origins, but with that in mind it stays true to what made the TV series enjoyable by steering close to the familiarity of its madcap writing making the Munsters feel right at home. There are neat little in-jokes involving superstitious townsfolk, old dark house vibes and the DRAG-U-LA! Having the original cast (with the exception of the "ugly duckling" Marilyn Nunster played by Debbie Watson) made sure the authentic twitches, costume quirks and chemistry carried over with wonderful performances by Fred Gwynne, Yvonne De Carlo, Al Lewis and Butch Patrick. Working across from them with perfect comic interplay are British character actors Terry-Thomas and Hermione Gingold.
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