Review of Flu

Flu (2013)
South Korea Cinema - Flu
8 May 2020
This was a pretty decent little event thriller from Korea. Some of it may strike to close to home with the events surrounding our Coronavirus Pandemic. It was very interesting to see transmission and subsequent spread of the virus and this could be a good watch for people curious about how viruses are spread.

The CGI for explosions and fires was kind of lackluster, the villains over the top, but the story was well told, shot and scripted and was worth the 2 hours. That being said about an hour into the movie I trailed off for a quick nap. I missed some stuff but the movie was moving so fast that it didn't matter too much.

A good flick for the passive foreign movie viewer, interesting viewing for a budding virologist or consumer of Asian cinema. Not an amazing groundbreaking film.
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