Review of Arte

Arte (2020)
Arte = Queen
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Arte would really get your spirits up during this pandemic going on right now, like we all needed to be motivated somewhat by a character who's also going through challenges as a painter. Yes the art wasn't that outstanding honestly provides a powerful message that can should you what you love despite if others try to hold your head down! Don't watch it if you're not keen on discrimination of any kind or want the lovey dovey stuff in the background, please watch other anime if those aren't your thing!

Arte really puts a smile on my face like I know I love some characters in other anime but definitely, she is one to really look up to! Komatsu Mikako did such a phenomenal job on voicing Arte! I was so proud of Arte in the end with her mum being proud that she painted the chapel like yasssssss queen!

Definitely watch this folks if you need a boost, you won't regret it!
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