Entertaining and well-acted show... Held back by confusing intention/messaging
1 July 2020
I watched the whole show today, so my review is about the entire show in general.

The positives:
  • Michaela Coel as the leading actor does a really great job. Also big props for writing and producing the show as well.
  • There are several different intertwining story lines with different and well- constructed supporting characters.
  • The whole cast are actually all pretty good, and I think it's refreshing and important how diverse the cast is.. I'm so used to white washed casts that this show felt unique in terms of representation. The more positive representation the better in my opinion.

The negatives:
  • I feel like although I found the show interesting and liked how it focused on different characters and different issues, I found the plot a bit thin or even neglected. Such as the most central story line of the show, focusing around sexual assault, sort of fading into the background. I just found the plot a bit wavering at times.
  • I also don't think I saw much character progression from any of the main characters. I was expecting them to sort of go through a change and come out the other side, but I don't really think any of them came out much better than they were at the start? It kind of just felt a bit anti-climactic.
  • I think the show suffered from showcasing too many story lines, social issues and politics. I really like a show that isn't afraid to be honest and political, however I thought that there was quite a lot going on, when maybe It would've been more effective if Cole had just focused on a smaller amount of issues but with more depth. I don't know, it's just how I'm feeling..

Good show though- I mean clearly, I watched the whole thing in a day!
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