Peppermint Park (1987– )
A complete failure
2 July 2020
I watched two volumes of this Kafkaesque nightmare turned into "children entertainment" in complete and utter disbelief. There is a reason Jim Henson was a genius and his work and his crew lauded as the best in the industry: it takes a lot of work and talent to do it right. Peppermint Park is what we get when the mediocre or the insane attempt a puppet show: failure, pain, awkwardness and discomfort.

This abomination package of anti-joy has no redeeming values. As an educational piece it's pedantic, condescending at best and criminally irresponsible at worse. As entertainment, it's equivalent to a good children's show as vomit is equivalent to food. The incompetence seems to pile up as "puppets" are overloaded with misery and creepiness, puppet manipulation done with extreme ineptitude, acting is abismal and the general quality horrendous.

This cannot be called art as it fails on every aspect of the term. A bizarre curiosity for those who want to laugh at it, but nothing more. Sadly it exists.
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