Review of Texhnolyze

Texhnolyze (2003)
7 July 2020
Texhnolyze was messy and confusing. Although this is common for bad Psychological animes. It was slow and there were a lot of pointless episodes. The main character (Ichise) was a bit dull and boring. He was also unlikeable and acted inappropriately, for the situation. Ran was also dull as well, but she was interesting and I wish I saw more of her.

The animation wasn't the best. The characters sometimes looked similar to each other and that was confusing. It also looks dull. Texhnolyze animation looks simular to Ergo Proxy and Serial Experiments Lain, but worse. I preferred the Sub to the Dub. The Sub's voice acting was decent and fit the characters well. The OP and ED are fine as well.

If you like psychological anime, then you might like this. But I don't think it's worth watching.
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