Brain Damage (1988)
No, just no!
14 July 2020
Okay, so how would one describe this film? Weird definitely comes to mind. And brain damage. Yup, this film killed my brain cells!!

'Brain Damage' might be good for a laugh (at how bad it is). It probably also will appeal to anyone using drugs, smoking weed, or has done any substance that elevate their state of mind and being. As someone who has never used drugs - or even smoke - I can't relate to this load of crap.

So, this thing that attached itself to Brian (Rick Hearst) stimulate the host's brain like a drug, and then eats other people's brains. Note that I call it a thing and not a parasite or a creature, as it literally is just a thing. Very little thought went into the design of this thing. 'Brain Damage' is a cheaply made film and offers everything you'd expect from a cheap B-film: bad acting, bad script, idiotic characters, bad effects.... Let's just call it a very bad super low budget B-film... The only scene I found funny, was the scene mimicking a blow job. Okay, that seriously was funny!

'Brain Damage' might have worked as a short instead of a feature. This is one of the most annoying films I've had the displeasure of watching. Oh, please let me forget this! I want to forget! Eylmer...pfff!!!

Would I watch it again? No.
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