Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (2019 Video Game)
From a Souls fan's perspective
25 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was skeptical to start this game upon it's release due to it's significant differences in plot, combat and world, but I was astonished with this game. The combat was very intuitive and by the time I had finished my first playthrough (Purification ending, using a guide on the Shadows Die Twice wiki), I had defeated most of the bosses, discovered Fountainhead (The single most aesthetically pleasing and certainly challenging area From has made since Anor Londo) and was ready for round 2 as the self titled king of deflection. The areas introduce new mechanics such as Lightning Reversal, Mikiri Counters and enemies that can use them, Terror status effect and Possessing enemies to do your bidding. The story was weak in minor aspects in comparison to the millions of characters and lore behind the souls series, but is still vibrant and built enough to create an amazing atmosphere AND boasts the hardest final boss to date second only to Orphan of Kos in the form of Isshin The Sword Saint. If I can summarise, the difficulty came from learing a whole new set of skills, enemy types and bosses. If you are new to crushing difficulty, I can safely say you will pull your hair out, grind your teeth and scream every profanity known to man, but the feeling of reward at the end will be worth every second. If you are a souls veteran, you will fall In love. Easily my favourite game of 2019 and definitely in my top ten of the decade.
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