Great movie for Family's and Fans
30 August 2020
I grew up watching this show, so I know that I'm clouded by nostalgia, but... It was good, kind of felt like a little reunion for the fans and the characters. It had lots of references to older episodes that someone who hasn't seen most of the show wouldn't get, but I don't think they'll ruin the watching experience. Lots of good joke, although some didn't land, but that is to be expected with any comedy. There were a few pop culture references that will date the movie and maybe feel "cringe" (just 'cause I want to make this review feel dated). Has good pacing and doesn't slip too much at the third act, but it still does a little, although I'm not sure if that's because I started to feel restless at the 45 minute mark or the film ( I get restless at that point in all movies so...) it has a predictable story but is not hindered too much by that fact. Over all I enjoyed it, it was fun to watch with my parents and siblings, good pick for a family movie night.
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