Review of -30-

The Wire: -30- (2008)
Season 5, Episode 10
31 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A really good way to end the show. I love all the complexities that go into an absolute bombshell of a situation like the fabricated serial killings one. The Wire is really good at the really fine details like that. It was pretty obvious going into it that McNulty would not be a detective come the end of the episode, but to be fair I thought he'd be in handcuffs but he got away with that one. Levy was a great and I think very underrated character and he definitely put up a fight all the way to the end. Ironically, Marlo walked, but I think that this time around that irony could be seen from a mile away seeing as the show has done it before (Stringer killed right as police get him). So essentially, McNulty sold his soul for no reason. Another fairly predictable element was the copycat killer for whom they could pin everything on. It was fairly convenient writing, and I think the last couple of seasons, the writing definitely wasn't as good on the whole. I do think pretty much every character got a good amount of closure, even if some of them were pretty heavy-handed in relating to an older counterpart, particularly Michael and Omar. The journalism angle ended on a flat note and I didn't get into that plot line for the entire season, probably the only one across the whole show that I didn't at least tolerate eventually. I think apart from that, though, this episode was on the whole a really good send off for all of the characters, filled with great moments, like the interrogation room door opening to reveal Rawls. There were some also really nice shots of Baltimore, a reminder that this show isn't just about Baltimore, it IS Baltimore. I'm not the biggest fan of this show, but at the end of the day it has some of the best writing, characters and dialogue of any show I've seen, and this finale definitely supported that

Btw Nerese Campbell is actually extremely hateful

Mid 8
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