Tiny Toon Adventures: Ask Mr. Popular (1990)
Season 1, Episode 46
Dapper popularity
7 September 2020
After a two episode break from the segment story structure, with the previous two episodes having a single story, 'Tiny Toon Adventures' returns to the segment structure in "Ask Mr Popular". The show proved many times that it could do both structures very well and more, with a slight personal preference for the not as frequently used single story one. Many good segment-structured episodes on the show, though there are episodes where there's the inevitable "some segments are better than others."

This episode "Ask Mr Popular", comprising of giving advice wraparounds, "Dapper Diz" and "A Pigment of His Imagination", is an example of a segment structured episode being mostly done well. It is also an example though of the quality being on the uneven side, with me liking one segment a lot and then being mixed on the other. Dizzy is a cute and amusing character, if not one of the show's most interesting. With Hamton it depends on the material.

Personally wasn't massively crazy about the wraparound story, though it is more mixed feelings than dislike. Some amusing lines and Buster is always a pleasure but the whole giving advice was laid on a little too thick.

In "A Pigment of His Imagination", the material is clever but is more amusing than hilarious or wacky. And the imaginary friend character is a more interesting character than Hamton, who is amiable enough and it is a premise that is quite relatable but also on the slightly bland side and has always fared better when he is supporting more than when he is the primary focus. That segment does do a good fun job with the whole imaginary friend story.

"Dapper Diz" is more consistent and entertaining, also doing a little better at being true to the spirit of the classic Looney Tunes cartoons, regardless of its predictability. Dizzy is a stronger presence and it certainly does help as well that the writing is wittier and wackier, that it's funnier and that Buster and Plucky (both characters with both funny and compelling personalities reminiscent of Bugs and Daffy) play prominent roles.

Moving onto talking about individual elements, the animation is vibrantly coloured and beautifully rich in detail, not just the backgrounds but also the expressions and reactions of the characters which are wonderfully loony. The music is dynamic and characterful as always and the theme song has always brought a smile to my face. Something that was the case when a child and still is now.

Writing-wise, "Ask Mr Popular" isn't perfect but there is enough sharp wit and wackiness to satisfy, namely in "Dapper Diz". Excepting reservations with Hamton, the characterisation is great. Buster and Plucky are never less than well worth watching throughout the show and at their best they are absolute joys, their roles here are no exception. The voice is terrific from all involved.

Summarising, not great but good fun. A lot better than "Whale's Tales". 7/10
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