Review of Interior

Interior (2014)
Would Shoulda Coulda
19 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Despite a slow start, I liked this movie... right up until the last five minutes or so. The events leading up to the end of the movie took it right off of the rails, at least for me.

Yes, it's low budget. No, some of the special effects are not of the most convincing quality. The story itself is not terrible, even if the premise has already been presented a dozen different times in a dozen different movies. A skeptical ghost-hunter is asked by an old girlfriend to document the haunting that appears to be going on in her house.

Although initially skeptical, and a bit dryly sarcastic, our hero, Sam, gradually becomes convinced that the house is indeed haunted. "Interior" is a decent, creepy, low-budget indie horror film... right up to the electro-funk, psychedelic, kaleidoscope conclusion.

Is Sam dead? Is he seeing himself, through his own camera lens, as the newest ghost in the house? If he's dead, and a ghost, why does his ex see him when she returns home with her husband and daughter? Does the evil entity possess Sam, and leave the house using his body?

At one point in the movie, Sam locks himself in the bathroom to escape the dark entity. While exchanging frantic texts with his ex, Sam.types in "Wtf???". By the end of the movie, I found myself thinking the very same thing.

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