Star Trek: Lower Decks: No Small Parts (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
I take back every bad thing I've ever said about this show...
8 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When it first started, you could copy and paste Mariner's dialogue into Rick Sanchez's and you would barely notice. It seemed lazy. It's definitely a niche market the writers cater to, but they can only rely on inside nostalgia jokes for so long before the show goes stale.

Then came episode 4, the first one that had the Captain and Mariner work side by side. The jokes were funny, the writing was sharp, and you were actually made to sympathize with these characters. Then came Badgey (which is honestly the funniest part of this entire show, and I did not expect such a triumphant return) and I was hooked.

This felt like a true Trek finale in every aspect. It was also everything I wished the Picard finale would be. I really hope Riker coming in to play trombone and kick ass in the last five minutes (and he forgot his trombone) becomes the new norm for all of Trek. Both instances were wonderful, but this was MUCH more satisfying.

It's been a lot of fun watching this show grow as solid Trek. I was ready to write it off after episode 3 but like so many of us loyal fans who kept TNG alive I kept watching. There will always be those who refuse to accept any non Kirk/Spock Trek. Their loss.

Some wishlist items for season 2: get Boimler fired from the Titan for a stupid reason (I don't want parallel storytelling on two ships), give Tendi and Rutherford more to do (I'm still not sold on either one, but they should be the A-story once in a while and allow them to grow), and give the chief engineer more to do.

P.S. As another online review so brilliantly put it, TOS totally stands for Those Old Scientists. Ransom's rules, not mine.
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