16 October 2020
I remember every show being a young kid with a way older sister, she would have a slumber party with all her cheerleader friends, my parents would be out on Saturday night and I was going to get to stay up late and watch my favorite show. We only had about 5 or 6 channels back then and I would crawl up in my parents bed , get ready with some popcorn and watch The Night Stalker. So now with this crazy world we live in now: Covid, Race relations, Hurricanes (2 in 12 days) and Politics, I can still escape with my DVR and the Night Stalker, bringing me back so vividly To the good ole days of my youth. Thank you MeTv for giving me the opportunity to smile for a hour every week no matter how ugly it gets out here-- besides family this is exactly what TV and movies is supposed to do. Memories and a smile!
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