A Study in Human Denial
17 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a study in denial. The reason for public backlashbwas because these people ecided to go public with their denial in the face of everything. If was a slap in the face of the other families she killed.

Whether she had a stroke, or heart attack, was angry, the fact is she had alcohol and pot in her bloodstream and chose to drive with kids in the car.

Insult to injury, these people chose to ask the public to not believe their lying eyes and ears.

If they had said, we are so sorry. This wasn't the Diane, we knew and for whatever reason, she wasn't thinking straight and got behind the wheel. Please let us grieve for ourselves and the other family in peace.

The whole she wasn't an alcoholic, didn't drink is bull. People who socially drink or who are not alcoholics do not consume 10 drinks at a setting and add even more drugs on top.

That's deliberate drinking to drunkenness. So she either was a drunk or a bingedrinker. You don't take not one drink while your sober and supposedly thinking straight and you know you have kids to drive home. If you can't stop after one or two, knowing you have to drive later and you keep drinking until you are drunk, but can hold you liquor, then you have tolerance And you have a problem whether known to the others are not. .

Then you're a secret drinker.

Stop insisting the public believe your denial in the face of toxicology reports. The medical people have no reason to lie.

This really made me angry.
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