Review of Spree

Spree (2020)
Man Bites Car That Jack Built...
31 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting movie, and well played by Joe Kerry. But feels like it's made for someone with A.D.D. and or excellent eye sight if watching on a smaller TV screen. There's somewhat a empathy and understanding for the Kurt character, coming from a broken home, looking for attention and acceptance, and discovering the 'online world' at a early age. But then his psychotic angst seems to be right there and unveils itself quickly. At first one kinda roots for Kurt, as his riders are rude, racist, and totally disrespectful to Kurt as their driver. Kurt is initially somewhat concerned of police proximity during his first kills. But as he intensifies, all seems to luck out for him no matter how close the cops get. Kurt gets obsessed with a young aspiring female comedian he had given a ride to earlier and has a large internet following. And by the time he confronts her, he is truly psychotic and beyond the pale. The movie straddles the parameters of mental instability, nature vs. nurture, the dangers of fame and maintaining it as a personal addiction in a individuals hand today. But doesn't really take a stand on any of it. Not that it has to either, but in the end - it just seems lost without much redemption for anyone. Like taking a peek into Dante's Inferno and not understanding all the insanity going on. Crazy from the get go, and remains so for anyone that dares to enter the trusting trappings of technology today.
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