Resurrection (1980)
CINEMA OMNIVORE - Resurrection (1980) 6.7/10
28 November 2020
"In Daniel Petrie's RESURRECTION, Ellen Burstyn plays Edna Mae, the bona-fide miracle worker, who has to take the shaft of being resistant to drag the Deity into her newfound vocation. Earning her fourth Oscar nomination, Burstyn steely puts her foot down in the sense that her Edna Mae is anything but a damsel-in-distress or patsy. After losing her husband Joe (DeMunn) in the opening car crash, Edna Mae doesn't linger too long in remorse (the automobile is her birthday gift to Joe) or grief (not much tea and sympathy is thrown to her either), and when her first impulse to perform a styptic miracle hits, she acts immediately (though the whole act looks clumsily staged), to say nothing of involving herself in a sexual relationship with Cal (Shepard), a man much younger than her, and whose religious fundamentalism will soon catch up with their burgeoning romance."

read the full review on my blog: cinema omnivore, thanks
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