Star Trek: Voyager: Caretaker (1995)
Season 1, Episode 1
A rough first episode - but there's promise
7 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Making my way through 90s Star Trek, I've come to expect that the pilot episodes are not going to be that good. This one is above "Encounter At Far Point" from TNG but not as good as "Emissary" from DS9.

Plot-wise, this thing moves fast - too fast. The disease that Harry Kim and B'Elanna temporarily get seems glossed over - why them in particular? Janeway's decision to destroy the array rather than get her people home just baffles me - it's done and over with in the blink of an eye without much discussion or mulling over. It could be an interesting philosophical discussion - the needs of the many and the needs of the few - but there was little said about it. It's clearly a decision forced by the plot rather than the character. There's not much breathing room here in general, so many of the relationships that develop and decisions in this episode don't feel earned.

Character-wise, it's a mixed bag. There are several characters that seem to already have a defined personality in place - Janeway, Tom Paris, Tuvok, Neelix, and The Doctor are well sketched-out. I get the feeling my favorites will be Janeway, Tuvok and The Doctor. Whereas others like Harry Kim, B'Elanna, Chakotay, and Kes left almost no impression on me. Their actors are stilted here, and some have little material to work with.

C- from me on this one. This one was rough, but I want to continue watching to see how the show establishes itself and to follow the characters that I've liked so far.
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