very watchable indeed
9 December 2020
In "Tout en haut" a daring young girl undertakes a dangerous journey in order to discover what happened to her much-beloved grandfather. It is also a way of restoring her family's honour, as her grandfather stands accused of wasting quite a lot of His Imperial Majesty's money. Her journey will take her deep into a frozen world filled with cruel dangers and regal wonders...

"Tout en haut" is a beautifully drawn animation movie with a unique look and feel, which will appeal mainly to the more patient and contemplative kind of young viewer. It's got engaging characters and it contains landscapes and action scenes of remarkable invention and beauty. The tale being told will invite many a discussion about Mankind's age-old drive to explore new territories, even under terrible circumstances or at terrible cost.

A pleasure to watch, especially for those who have grown tired of hectic, over-busy animation films bursting with gags, pop references and superheroes.
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