Just the right amount of French in this film
29 December 2020
I watched this film back in 2005 when I was someone else, but the message is as true for me now as it was when I wasn't me. It has something for everyone as it takes us all back to those moments when we were happily under-gifted. If you remember standing in the street after the bars close, stumbling up to pee in the gutter and waiving at cars as they pass, and having been to the dentist that very day, your mouth is shot full of Novocaine so that when you attempt to talk you make incoherent noises with a scrunched up face; if as a grown adult you've spent hours barking back at a vicious dog on the other side of a chain link fence, or if you can recall grammar school when most days were spent with your face in a corner feeling like your hands are giant balloons and wondering if it was a good idea to sample the contents of your mother's medicine cabinet... If you've had any of these experiences, this film will speak to you in a familiar spirit. What's more, it will teach you to love again, but in a manner that doesn't end with your incarceration. I have Les sous-doués en vacances on VHS and can't wait to watch it again, and tonight I shall dream of hammers.
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