The Swordsman (2020)
Good action movie, just miscast on MC & MV
31 December 2020
When I post this review, there're already 5 other reviews. 3 of em praising joe taslim the main villain & other 1 praise janghyuk the main character.

Okay here's the main problem. The main villain is from qing dynasty (meaning from china), they could easily hire a chinese or korean (who look more like chinese than taslim) and as much as i like taslim, he's too babyface to be main villain. and he smile too much. The movie would be better if the qing dynasty people speak chinese (and have korean sub) instead of korean. Pretty sure taslim didnt speak korean, they just dub it later on.

Bout janghyuk. for anyone who havent watch his other works, yeah sure he does look like blind man in this movie.. but for anyone who familiar with his work. that's his usual blank expression! -_-

The action, swordsplay was top notch. just like 80-90 chinese kungfu movie. The other casts also spot on, from deceased king, to main girl to the korean villain they all look proper to the timeline of the movie (hate it when the actor have fair skin when they're supposedly have use sword from young age and have no scar on their face/body) just the 2 main char, the hero & villain kinda lacking. Oh and the villain supposedly knew the hero from long time ago, the hero grow old but the badguy just grew mustache and look same age as hero after 20-30years? Come on..
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